Brute-force range options


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Brute-force range options


Specified character set. You can choose from all capital letters, all small letters, all digits, all special symbols and space, or all printable characters (includes all of the above). The special characters are:




Alternatively, you can define your own character set ("charset"). Mark the "User-defined" check box and click "Custom charset…". In the input window, enter all characters of the password range. For example, if the password contains characters from the bottom keyboard raw ("zxcv..."), your password range could be "zxcvbnm,./" (or in caps: "ZXCVBNM<>?"). You can also define both of these: "zxcvbnm,./ZXCVBNM<>?". In addition, you can load and save custom charsets, or combine them using the "Add charset from file..." button.


Note the "Convert to OEM encoding" option in the "User Defined Charset". Be sure to select this option if the password contains any non-English characters, and the archive has been created with a DOS-based non-Unicode compression utility (e.g. PKZIP, for example). Otherwise, the password will not be found.


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